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Are We There Yet Stencil
Are We There Yet Stencil by Carolyn Dube
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Our Price: $14.00

Quantity in Stock:32

Product Code: L361

Are We There Yet, designed by Carolyn Dube, was inspired by the summer trip mantra, "Are We There Yet?" Traveling is an adventure with some adventures being epic and others being unexpected but no matter what the trip is like, it is always full of memories.

Use the words and phrases just as they are or use just parts of them. For example, the stencil has "first class guilt trip of a lifetime". Stencil just "first class" or "guilt trip" or "trip of lifetime" or "first class trip of lifetime". The choice is yours!

Of course, you can repeat a phrase or word as often as you like. Enjoy using these travel related words and arrows when making cards, canvases, art journals, encaustics, and more!

See all the steps Maria used to create a richly textured world traveler art journal page here.

Companion stencil:
Coming and Going

Product Details
  • 9" x 12"
  • 7 mil mylar stencil that is thick enough to be durable and long lasting, yet they are thin enough to provide a seamless look in your art.
  • Made in the USA.

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