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Carolyn Dube, a little kid in a grown up body, has an addiction that doctors have said is incurable: an addiction to color and art supplies. Symptoms include blue and green spray ink stain on the cuticles, splatters of paint on every article of clothing no matter how hard she tries to avoid it, the compulsive need to cover up all white space with art supplies, uncontrollable excitement when new products are released, and a fever for things that sparkle.

Carolyn spent 10 years trapped in the body of a school teacher before realizing her true place in the universe was as a mixed media artist. It is no surprise that she has a talent for tutorials and step-by-step blog posts. She shares practical real world “I can do this” type of tutorials so everyone can experience the joys of creating art too. She's written articles for Somerset Studio, GreenCraft, and Studios as well as an Art Lesson for Interweave. Carolyn teaches both on-line and in person classes. You can find out about her current workshops and latest adventures on her blog at http://acolorfuljourney.com.

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Twisted Gordian Knot Stencil by Carolyn Dube Twisted Gordian Knot
Our Price: $14.00
Reflecting Rainbow Stencil by Carolyn Dube Reflecting Rainbow
Our Price: $7.00
Strong Women Stencil by Carolyn Dube Strong Women
Our Price: $14.00
Rainbow Quotes Stencil by Carolyn Dube Rainbow Quotes
Our Price: $14.00
Heroic Women Stencil by Carolyn Dube Heroic Words
Our Price: $14.00
Regal Wrought Iron Stencil Mask by Carolyn Dube Regal Wrought Iron
Our Price: $14.00
Random Thoughts #1 Stencil by Carolyn Dube Random Thoughts #1
Our Price: $14.00
Random Thoughts #2 Stencil by Carolyn Dube Random Thoughts #2
Our Price: $14.00
Random Thoughts #3 Stencil by Carolyn Dube Random Thoughts #3
Our Price: $14.00
Speech Bubbles Stencil by Carolyn Dube Speech Bubbles
Our Price: $14.00
Towers of Arches Masks by Carolyn Dube Towers of Arches
Our Price: $14.00
Circles Overlapping Stencil by Carolyn Dube Circles Overlapping
Our Price: $15.00
Hearts Overlapping Stencil by Carolyn Dube Hearts Overlapping
Our Price: $15.00
Squares Overlapping Stencil by Carolyn Dube Squares Overlapping
Our Price: $15.00
Egyptian Ankh Stencil with Ankh Mask by Carolyn Dube Egyptian Ankh
Our Price: $14.00
Dancing with Matisse Stencil by Carolyn Dube Dancing with Matisse
Our Price: $14.00
It's Time to Play Stencil by Carolyn Dube It's Time to Play
Our Price: $14.00
ATC Mixup Dube Stencil designed by Carolyn Dube ATC Mixup Dube
Our Price: $14.00
Alpha Jumble Small Stencil by Carolyn Dube Alpha Jumble Small
Our Price: $7.00
Open-Ended Alphabet Stencil by Carolyn Dube Open-Ended
Our Price: $14.00
Speckles and Spots Stencil by Carolyn Dube Speckles and Spots
Our Price: $14.00
Kandinsky's Garden Stencil by Carolyn Dube Kandinsky's Garden
Our Price: $14.00
Alpha Jumble Large Stencil by Carolyn Dube Alpha Jumble Large
Our Price: $14.00
Teenage Angst Stencil by Carolyn Dube Teenage Angst
Our Price: $14.00
Arched Fountain Stencil by Carolyn Dube Arched Fountains
Our Price: $14.00
Ransom Alphabet Stencil by Carolyn Dube Ransom Alphabet
Our Price: $14.00
Once Upon a Time Stencil by Carolyn Dube Once Upon a Time
Our Price: $14.00